A Veterinarian’s Best Friend

- Brand Strategy
- Brand Identity
- Brand Activation
- Branded Environment
- Campaign
- Health
Vet Life That Let’s You Live a Little
The veterinary industry is in the dog house (sorry, pet puns are very hard to avoid). Long story short, there are way too many pets and not nearly enough vets. This leads to overworking, burnout and work-life balance that is, well, out of balance. IndeVets set out to buck this trend by allowing vets to work when and where they want across their huge network of hospitals (all of which need vets). It was a total game changer and gave vets their lives back. A movement this huge deserved a brand like nothing else in the vet space. That’s what we set out to do.
Old Dog. New Tricks.
We positioned IndeVets as a whole new way to practice veterinary medicine that truly puts vets first. A trusted voice for the modern vet that exists to bring balance, fulfillment and joy to veterinary medicine.

Sit. Speak.
The IndeVets voice sounds like your super smart and funny best friend who also happens to be a veterinarian.
Drawn Together
A deep illustration catalog is at the heart of the visual brand. We teamed up with Malachy Egan to create these quirky and sweet illos that allow us to embody what it feels like to be an IndeVet and capture the zest and humility of their mission at the same time.

Vetting Out There
We created an integrated marketing strategy to introduce IndeVets to the world, then keep the momentum going across trade and mass media. It’s as easy as getting in front of the best vets with the perfect message between surgery shifts, check-ups, and their lives outside the clinic. (Woof.)

Brand in Place
When IndeVets opened its headquarters in Philadelphia, we helped them bring the brand to life within the work space. From installations to wayfinding, we infused the unmistakable IndeVets personality within a clean and modern aesthetic.

Delightfully Distracting
With floor to ceiling glass showing off the 360 views of Philly, we reimagined the necessary glass distractors and created a family of custom pet illustrations all balancing along a consistent line stretching across the wall to wall glass. We topped them off with an office naming convention all derived from the film, “Best in Show”. Can you name every nut?

Tricks of the Trade
We created an interactive trade show experience that asked vets who they were outside of the clinic. These illustrated and stacked revolving cubes were our version of the IndeVet’s mission to support vets inside the hospital, but also help them have a life outside of it.
Swag for Days
Over the years, we’ve created lots of super fun swag to spread the good word. We always try to meet vets where they’re at with something they can use (or eat) at the clinic. We do not want to be part of the trash heap that is lame brand swag.

“We rely on J2 for their endless creativity, deep understanding of our target and true commitment to partnership. Our brand has broken all category stereotypes and fueled our growth. We would not be where we are today without the incredible team at J2. They’re simply awesome!”
Molly Watson—Chief Marketing Officer, IndeVets